That's What They Said!!!

What's Up?? This is the B-rokster Brian! (ok, so not REALLY!)
What's up fellow fan? Well, ok, I'm really sorry about how SAD this site is right now, but I'm working on it! Bare with me & I PROMISE to get it up to scratch ASAP, k? Cool. Right now I'm working on the pics, but SOMEBODY's not happy with me apparently, so I'll be back!
"I said THAT???"
AWW! What CUTIES!!! Isn't that Brian just a doll? (I think so!!!) Well, they all are, but can ya guess who's my fave??? (NAH, not a bit Angie!) I'm working on setting up seperate quote pages, as well as group quotes, PLUS a lyrics section (ugh- I've got about 45 songs of their's to type!!!) But anything for them.... "I'd walk halfway around the world, for just one kiss from you....far beyond the call of love, the sun, the stars, the moon...." Oh, oops! (Sorry, that comes later!) Well, not much now, but here's what's to come:

AJ Quotes: "PARTY!" & "Girls" may seem to be the only things on Mr. McLean's mind, but I'm not too sure....I think music is SOMEWHERE in there....

Brian Quotes: Need I say more?

Howie Quotes: Hey! Maybe I can finally learn a little spanish!!!

Kevin Quotes: Maybe Mr.Kevy-Kev ISN'T such a tough guy AFTER ALL!....

Nick Quotes: *children these days!!!*
Lyrics (What else??? I'm not at my most creative right now...)
Ok, You already know their 40+ songs forwards, backwards, upside down, inside out, even the gibberish AND spanglesh versions (MISTY!!!), but I still know of a FEW less "attentive" fans, so this is for them!!!
Favorite Links

Backstreet on the Net!
A REALLY good Backie site, LOADS of Info!!!


Urban Decay Cosmetics
PERFECT make-up for all you Korn & Orgy fans!!! (Aj too, i guess!)


Tommy Smith & The Backstreet Band
The Boys' own keyboardist's site!!!

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